A guest post from my beautiful soul sister and friend, September Hope -
Pondering thoughts, lightbulb moments and things I thunk on…
Living with and treating others with Love, Courtesy and Respect has been my way of living, my mantra, my lesson to my daughters and grandkids. Lately I've been pondering what each of these truly mean.
Love....what is love? an emotional connection? is it an act or action? spiritual or energetic connection? After a Reiki meditation asking how to describe love, this is what my guides said to me: "love is complete and total acceptance" which has been my belief. Totally accepting another for who they are, how they are and who they may grow to be. Even though you may not agree with them all the time, you accept that is who or how they are and love them anyway.
Courtesy.....is it an action? something you do? or the way you treat others? For me it is a way of treating others, always polite. Greet with a warm smile and “how are you?”. Open and hold doors for others, let someone with fewer items go in front of you in check out line, let cars merge in your lane, wave thank you when someone lets you in the lane. Checking in with family and friends. We used to call this common courtesy.
Respect.....goes hand in hand with courtesy. Showing respect shows in your greeting and how you treat people: a smiling "hello" with a handshake or a hug. Opening the door and letting others go in first; calling or texting to confirm plans; being quiet in theaters, concerts; applauding for artists and performers no matter their age or quality of their performance. Saying "please and thank you". Leaving a place you visit the same or better than when you arrived.
This is my definition of "love, courtesy and respect" which may or may not be yours. I invite you to think and ponder on this thought and make note of what it means to you. 🪬
September Hope
Intuitive Reiki Master Teacher
